June developments report

After careful analysis, I decided to make the node editor as simple as possible.
By making a huge graph, visual analysis is quite complicated.
During various tests, and thanks to your feedback, It was decided to use a single event block.
Very similar to that of Rpgmaker.

The form depicting a series of gears, upon double-clicking, an event editor very similar to that of Rpgmaker will be visible.
This will make it much easier to understand and develop a complex scene.
This tool was created precisely to make the development of graphic scenes easy to handle even for less experienced users.
Therefore, using an interface very similar to the tool itself will make it even easier and much faster to make a graphic scene.

I therefore report the updates, corrections and changes made during this period.

  • Fixed issues related to crashing
    To some users, it happened that the program crashed while double-clicking on a scene.

    This can happen on several occasions.
        -   Failure to allocate the ram memory of some pointers
       -   The click action is performed before the graphics component is created by the graphics drivers

  • Added an internal interpreter to generate scripts more accurately

  • Added new features such as: Change Gold, Change Switch, Change Variable, etc.

  • Added the ability to delete an unused item. Selecting it, and pressing the "Delete" key.

  • Tweaked the main interface. repositioning buttons and features still in development.

A new version with all the new changes and additions will be released soon.
Remember to connect to the discord channel to receive real-time updates

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